Lucas Casarez / Financial Advisor in Fort Collins, Colorado

I started Level Up Financial Planning to help you increase your financial confidence. I understand how complex your financial life becomes and it's a full-time job to make sure you stay on top of all of the moving pieces of your life.

I specialize in working with Gen X & Y professionals in tech with growing families. Between employer stock and often a volatile industry when it comes to hiring booms and mass layoffs, your life may feel like a rollercoaster ride at times and I want to make sure you have a solid game plan no matter what life throws at you.

To accommodate young professionals, I have flexible fees schedules that range from hourly to monthly and can be reduced lower with asset management.


Advisory And Investment Management Certified Financial Planner CFP ® Charitable Planning College Planning Comprehensive Financial Planning Debt Management Estate Planning ETFs Family Financial Planning Fee Only Fee-Only Fiduciary Financial Planning Financial Planning Advice And Services Hourly Services Independent Investment Advisor Investment Consulting Investment Management Investment Services IRA Legacy Planning Monthly Payment Options NAPFA Member Passive Investment Strategies Professional Wealth Management Registered Investment Advisor Retirement Income Planning Retirement Planning Rollover Of 401k Or IRA RSUs Stock Options Student Loans Wealth Management Young Investors
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