"Planning for the future without a sense of history is like planting cut flowers" - Daniel Boorstin, Historian
We need to know where we have been and what influences have shaped us to understand where we are going. If your roots are in jazz, we wouldn't set up your plan for you to be a classical composer. We listen carefully to discern those influences and guide you in making a financial plan to help you achieve attainable goals and manage your investments to match to help you get there.
I enjoy working with the full spectrum of clients, including young singles and families, professionals, retirees and widow(er)s. Each group benefits from my working with the others; lessons learned from clients can be very valuable in shaping the discussion with everyone. I find it especially important to make sure that women are educated about their financial picture and understand how they can manage and improve it.
Specific issues that I like to address include Social Security strategies, Medicare Planning, Education funding, Long Term Care issues, Charitable Planning -- all part of a holistic financial plan that can grow with you. We also talk about what you would like to do with your time in retirement and whether there are financial aspects that need to be considered.
Successful retirement plans are written down with strategies to achieve success. They are also living documents that need to be updated annually as life happens and goals change. Working with your other advisors, such as your CPA, Estate Attorney, and Insurance Agent improves the likelihood of success.