Financial Engines / Financial Advisor in San Antonio, Texas

Financial Engines is America's largest independent registered investment advisor (RIA) with over $140B under management. We help people achieve greater financial clarity by providing comprehensive, goals- based financial planning and professional investment management and advice. Headquartered in Sunnyvale, CA, Financial Engines was co-founded in 1996 by Nobel Prize-winning economist William F. Sharpe. We currently offer financial help to more than nine million people across over 700 companies (including 146 of the Fortune 500). Our unique approach, combined with powerful online services, dedicated advisors and personal attention, promotes greater financial wellness and helps more Americans to meet their financial goals. Our investment advisors develop personalized investment plans based on each person's unique situation and financial goals. Plus, they accept no incentives, commissions or benefits from fund companies, so the advice is always objective. As an SEC Registered Investment Advisor, our advisors are held to the fiduciary standard. The fiduciary standard of care requires that a financial adviser act solely in the client's best interest when offering personalized financial advice. Our national radio show, Investing Sense™, every weekend in 60+ markets around the country. Investing Sense™ is also available anytime online at Every Saturday, Investing Sense hosts Andy Smith and Bob Richards each bring a different perspective as they talk about the financial and retirement topics that are on your mind - whether it's your 401(k), managing investments and taxes for your IRA, dealing with market ups and downs or bouncing back from life's curveballs.


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