Street Smart Financial, LLC / Financial Advisor in Lexington, Massachusetts

Rand Spero, CFP, M.Ed., MBA
Street Smart Financial is an independent, registered investment advisory firm based in Lexington, Massachusetts. We help clients develop and implement a comprehensive financial strategy. We take a multi-disciplinary approach to planning and investing. The president’s background in psychology helps us better understand our clients’ values, financial needs and goals. His background in strategic planning helps us develop various scenarios which must be considered including large gains and declines in various asset classes.The president’s background as an educator helps him demystify the financial jargon and educate clients about their own personal financial situations. We apply the same care and attention to our client’s investment portfolio as we do to our own portfolios.A thorough understanding of each client enables us to determine how much risk they are willing to take for a certain level of return. We consider the client’s employment and financial situation before developing specific investment strategies and portfolios. Clients’ personal situations change and we revise their portfolios to reflect this.


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