Just Wealth, LLC / Financial Advisor in Cambridge, Massachusetts

Phuong Luong, BA, CFP, M.Ed.
Just Wealth is a virtual, fee-only firm that specializes in financial planning for clients doing mission-driven work. Our goal is to save you time and help you build wealth.
Just Wealth has no asset minimums and works with clients with all types of income levels and financial situations. Topics include: creating a system for managing income and expenses, setting savings and investing goals, figuring out your investment mix, debt repayment/student loan analysis, and taking full advantage of employee benefits.
Just Wealth does not sell products or manage money. The firm solely provides advice and financal planning.
Phuong provides a free 30 minute strategy session to learn more about your current financial situation and to answer any questions you have about financial planning. Find a time that works for you here: https://justwealthplanning.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php.


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