Real Financial Planning, LLC / Financial Advisor in Guilford, Connecticut

Sally Kennedy, CFP, EA
Real Financial Planning, LLC is a true fee-only financial advisory firm offering not only investment assistance, but also comprehensive and/or targeted financial planning services specializing in: Retirement planning Tax planning Education planning Insurance and risk evaluation
Retirement planning and analysis considers all aspects of this significant transition, including: Social security optimization Pensions - lump sum or annuity? Impact of required minimum distributions Sustainable withdrawal rates Current and anticipated expenses Medical cost considerations Risk management Tax minimization Portfolio allocations appropriate to meet the cash flow and estate planning needs.
Investment assistance includes a comprehensive portfolio review, followed by recommendations. Recommendations are based on the client's specific situation, including cash flow needs, tax liability, risk tolerance and legacy plans.
For those who have specific, limited concerns, we offer short-term consulting. For those who prefer a comprehensive approach, we offer full-range planning. Consulting is available on an hourly basis. Comprehensive planning is done on a project basis.


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