True Abundance Advisors / Financial Advisor in White Plains, New York

Laura Rotter, BA, CFA, CFP, MBA
True Abundance Advisors is dedicated to understanding each client's unique set of values, challenges and opportunities. I work with clients from all walks of life, with a variety of financial goals. They may be single or married, with or without dependents, saving for their children's education, or for retirement. They may be navigating a life transition, such as birth of their first child, loss of a job, or divorce from a spouse. What unifies them all are their dreams, and the recognition that money is a means to help fund those dreams. We work together to help clarify your goals, and develop an integrated plan so that you may achieve those goals.
Services include: goal exploration and identification; cash flow analysis and management; risk/insurance review and recommendations; portfolio analysis and investment strategy; tax planning; employee benefits review, analysis and selection; college, retirement and estate planning.


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