Angel Oak Financial Services LLC / Financial Advisor in Montvale, New Jersey

Robert Solimano, CFP
Angel Oak Financial Services, LLC is a fee-only Registered Investment Advisor in the state of New Jersey. As a Registered Investment Advisor, by regulation, we are upheld by a fiduciary standard to our clients. The firm was founded by Robert Solimano CFP® on the belief that planning services and the investment advice that follows should be in perfect balance with the life you want to live. Financial planning is a process consisting of an individual's lifetime events, money, emotion and time. It is as much art as science and when practiced correctly, with the client always put first, leads to a richer life overall. Services range from hourly planning to full financial plans with asset management. Financial planning is practiced on a very individualized basis with a holistic view toward reaching financial planning goals. Initial consultations may be scheduled by emailing Or calling Rob @


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