GDM Advisory Group, Ltd. / Financial Advisor in Jenkintown, Pennsylvania

Glenn Meyer, BS, CFP, ChFC, CLU, CPA/PFS, MS
GDM ADVISORY GROUP, LTD. was established in 1993 by Glenn D. Meyer, CPA/PFS, CFP, ChFC, CLU. Glenn’s business values were established while gaining valuable experience at a privately held financial planning firm in Atlanta, Georgia. Prior to GDM’s formation, Glenn was the Director of Personal Financial Planning at Ernst & Young and KPMG, both in Philadelphia. This distinctive background provides Glenn the ability to offer small firm service with large firm expertise. Most of the firm's clients are executives of publicly owned companies, owners of successful businesses, or professionals. They may be in the process of accumulating capital or may have already acquired wealth and seek aid in evaluating alternative financial, investment, and risk management/estate planning opportunities. Our clients are located nationwide. Currently, GDM serves clients in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, California, Texas, Arizona and Florida.


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