James Stanhouse, MBA
Stanhouse Financial Planning and Management (Stanhouse-FPM) is an independent fee-only financial planning and registered investment advisory firm serving the metro Atlanta area of Georgia. We have meeting locations in Duluth and Decatur. Stanhouse-FPM does not have financial ties to any bank, brokerage firm, insurance company, or other financial services firms. We do not sell products, receive commissions or any other third party compensation. Thus, you can be confident that you will receive professional, objective advice that will be in your best interest. We specialize in providing professional planning and advice to individuals and families of all financial means. Our services are offered on an hourly, as-needed basis. We impose no minimum asset or income restrictions. An estimate of time for your project, as well as a maximum fee cap based on the scope of service you choose, is provided in writing during the complimentary Get Acquainted meeting. Clients can choose to implement recommendations themselves or have Stanhouse-FPM assist with the implementation and ongoing management. The firm can work in conjunction with existing attorneys, accountants and other professional advisors, or help you focus on the important points to consider as a do-it-yourselfer. Jim Stanhouse, the firm's principal has volunteered time with Clark Howard's Consumer Action Center, answering consumers financial questions.