Rodgers & Associates / Financial Advisor in Lancaster, Pennsylvania

Rick Rodgers, CFP, CRC, CRPC
The financial advisers at Rodgers & Associates specialize in providing confidential financial services and advice to meet the needs of individuals who are retired or about to retire. The needs of this group are complex and require the knowledge of highly informed financial advisors. Our financial advisors must be trained in all facets of retirement planning including tax planning, estate planning, long-term & health care, retirement plan distributions and asset management and will maintain that knowledge through continuing education and study. We pledge to develop tax efficient financial strategies that will help ensure that our clients' standard of living is maintained through retirement.Rodgers & Associates is a Fee-Only Registered Investment Adviser. As a RIA we are, by law, fiduciaries for our clients. This means that we must act in our clients best interest at all times. We are not registered representatives of any broker/dealer. We do not accept any compensation from the producer or distributor of any financial products. Our compensation is from fees paid to us by our clients. This type of compensation reduces the possibility of any conflict between our interests and those of our clients.


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