Phillip Bour, CFP, EA
MISSION STATEMENT: Encourage. Equip. Educate.BourGroup serves the middle-class market, holds no assets under management and charges hourly and/or fixed one-time fees for comprehensive plans.OBJECTIVE: To provide meaningful comprehensive financial planning and monitor implementation and to encourage and educate individuals and families in successful execution of the 9 Steps (earnings, giving, taxes, savings, insurance, spending plan, investing, retirement and estate planning) to Financial Security with a biblical perspective.OVERVIEW: BourGroup (Advisor) provides financial planning services which may include advice on cash flow, debt management and college funding as well as the 9 steps mentioned in the mission statement. The Client's current financial situation, needs, goals, objectives and tolerance for risk are first evaluated and then the Advisor presents the analysis in a written summary of recommendations over each area that the Advisor was engaged to provide advice. BourGroup believes that the appropriate allocation of assets across diverse categories (stocks vs. bonds, international vs. domestic, large-cap vs. small-cap, growth vs. value) is the primary determinant of portfolio returns and critical to the long-term success of one's financial objectives. In addition, investment portfolios do not stand alone but must be considered with the returns of other assets including home equity, emergency funds, pensions and other retirement funds that may exist.BourGroup is available to help with implementation of plan recommendations. Periodic financial checkups to monitor results are recommended and the Client is encouraged to initiate this review at 6 months and 12 months after the material is presented.