Jon Ford, BA, CFP, MA
As a company that specializes in offering fee-only comprehensive financial planning and investment services, we provide an opportunity for you to become a part of a new and unique financial/investment planning service. We sell no products, which reduces the risk of a conflict of interest and increases the chances that our clients purchase only those investments, insurance policies, and other financial products that increase the chances of reaching your goals. People discover that with Commission Free Financial Planning Solutions, Inc., being financially secure and independent does not mean being alone.
Jon Ford is an investment advisor representative for Commission Free Financial Planning Solutions, Inc. He holds undergraduate and graduate degrees in mathematics and psychology and practiced as a psychologist in private and public service for sixteen years. His training--mathematician, psychologist, manager, financial planner--combine to make a formidable ally for any client seeking to reach his or her financial goals. Don`t wait--make the contact now.
Check out our website--It will lead you to vast and comprehensive stores of knowledge. We provide financial planning and investment advisory services that will help you toward all your financial goals. Welcome to our world.