Budros, Ruhlin & Roe, Inc. / Financial Advisor in Columbus, Ohio

Shawn Ballinger, CFP
Our Philosophy We are client-centric, pure and simple.
The principals established our firm with the intention of creating a consultative environment that would attract “the best and the brightest” minds in the financial planning profession. The vision was to create a unique, proactive approach to wealth management that would assist high net worth clients in achieving their goals and objectives. By creating a fee-only practice, we removed many of the conflicts of interest that often arise when associates are paid by commission on the products and services they recommend. Simply put, we feel this is the only way to deliver objective advice to clients with complex financial needs. Although the firm has experienced substantial growth since its founding in 1979, our goal remains to create customized solutions for each client, and to build long-term relationships with them. Our greatest compliment comes from the numerous referrals provided by our existing clients.


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