Open Door Investment Advisors, Inc. / Financial Advisor in Westmont, Illinois

Joseph Alotta, BS, CFP, CFS, MA, MBA
Joseph Alotta has been a financial counselor and investment manager for over 30 years with clients from all walks of life. He has held executive positions at several large institutional banks: JP Morgan Chase, Wells Fargo and Goldman Sachs. He hold a BS in Economics and an MBA in Finance from New York University, and a diploma in Financial Planning from DePaul University. He is also a Certified Finacial Planner, a Registered Investment Advisor and a member of the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors, the most respected professional organization.Mr. Alotta's background is in systems engineering and statistics. His primary focus is managing portfolios of utility and industrial stocks. He speaks on the topics of stock investing, financial planning, precious metal investing, computer security and privacy. He lives in Westmont and his office is in Oak Brook.


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