Steven Kane, CFP, CPA/PFS
Investment Advisory Services & Personal Financial Planning Fee-Only Investment Advisory Services (using no-load mutual funds and exchange traded funds). Personal Financial Planning and Investment Analysis Risk Tolerance and Asset Allocation Planning Retirement Planning Analysis Lifetime Income Planning College Funding Analysis and Planning Pension and IRA Rollovers Dimensional Fund (DFA) Advisor (www.dfaus.com). Our firm primarily utilizes DFA funds, which provide global investment solutions with state-of-the-art portfolio design and trading. These world class funds are only available through approved fee-only advisors like ourselves, and not available to the general public. In combination with Dimensional Funds, we offer a new model of investing based on financial science and engineering, decades of academic research, and not on speculation or market timing. Click here for more information.
Tax Services Income tax planning and return preparation for businesses and individuals Assistance with entity selection for businesses and real estate holdings Formulation of estate and gift tax strategies and estate planning Planning for required minimum distributions Roth IRA conversion analysis