Financial Fiduciaries / Financial Advisor in Green Bay, Wisconsin

Thomas Batterman, BS, CTFA, JD
Financial Fiduciaries and its predecessor,Vigil Trust & Financial Advocacy, have been providing financial advocacy services to clients since 1988. We are knowledgeable, experienced professionals hired to represent and advocate for clients in their financial decisions, helping them achieve customized solutions to their financial challenges. With our help, our clients make the decisions they would make on their own if they had the time to completely research all of their options and had the training and experience to properly assess these alternatives. As an independent company compensated only by the professional fee we charge for our services, our guidance is not compromised by the conflicts of interest which plague financial conglomerates and other advisers.Personal service is a buzzword in financial services; everyone promises to deliver "exceptional personal service". But what does that really mean? In our case it means that we consider ourselves "on retainer" to help you explore and address any financial issue that comes your way; sort of like your own, personal family financial office. Our doors are open to you at any time to discuss any matter of concern to you no matter how large or small. And it means that we get to know you very well so that when financial recommendations or decisions need to be made, we can put ourselves in your shoes and reach the decision that is perfectly suited to your particular situation.
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