Mindful Asset Planning / Financial Advisor in Saint Paul, Minnesota

Steven Zimmerman, CFP, ChFC
Mindful Asset Planning (MAP) is a comprehensive financial planning Firm and Registered Investment Advisor founded by Steve & Susan Zimmerman in 1988 to help clients MAP their financial life planning strategies. "Mindful" means attentive and aware to both financial and human assets. Human assets include your family and career history, life experiences, belief systems, emotions, and goals. These are factored into recommendations to help guide your life and financial planning decisions.. Prosperity Clarity: Our mission is to help you MAP a more prosperous and satisfying life for the absolute most of your financial and human assets: * Your life path is better focused and more fulfilling * Goals are clear, prioritized, calculated, and funded * Your important decisions align with your values * Your personal confidence and net worth grows. To achieve this MAP gathers your historic style, preferences, and goals to clarify what works best for you. This includes: * Personality motivators * Financial resources * Emotional awareness * Personal values and professional goals * Family relationships MAP Founders: Susan Zimmerman is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) and Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC). She is the author of books and supporting materials on financial psychology and moving through difficult transitions. Thousands have attended her workshops and used her money personality assessments to better manage decisions about spending, investment styles, and couples' communication. Steve Zimmerman is a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) with extensive experience in comprehensive finance, tax, retirement, risk, and portfolio


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