Oak Financial Planning, Inc. / Financial Advisor in Osseo, Minnesota

Dan Hiebert, CFP, MSFS
Oak Financial Planning was founded by Dan Hiebert. Dan has spent his career working with individuals and professionals providing financial advice they need to live a better life. Dan believes in comprehensive financial planning and has seen first-hand the benefits Dan can work with you to achieve your goals so you can live the life you want to. If you are a small business owner, Dan specializes in working with small business owners and professionals. He can help you find the financial balance between your business finances and your personal finances. Or if you are ready for the next phase in your life, Dan can help you exit the business in the most efficient way possible. About Dan
A CFP® professional, Dan has been in the financial services industry for 20+ years. He worked at Ameriprise Financial for over 17 years. Over his career at Ameriprise, Dan held various positions, including financial advisor, product wholesaler, advisor trainer, advanced case analyst, and risk mitigator.
Dan also is an instructor for CFP® certification programs, other advanced designations, and conducts trainings and live sessions for industry leading financial firms, advisors, and employees.
Dan earned a BS in Business from Hamline University and a Master of Science in Financial Services degree from The American College. Currently a doctoral student at The American College, he is studying for a PhD in Financial Services.
Please feel free to contact Oak Financial Planning for a free consultation.


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