Maureen M Demers / Financial Advisor in North Andover, Massachusetts

Maureen Demers CFP EA is a North Andover, MA fee-only financial planner. Demers Financial Planning provides comprehensive and objective financial planning to help clients organize, grow and protect their assets through life’s transitions. As a fee-only, fiduciary, and independent financial advisor, Maureen Demers is never paid a commission of any kind, and has a legal obligation to provide unbiased and trustworthy financial advice. We provide comprehensive, tax-focused financial planning on a fee-only retainer basis for those contemplating retirement within the next 10 years.


401k Rollover Certified Financial Planner CFP ® College Planning Comprehensive Financial Planning Fee Only Fee-Only Fiduciary Fiduciary Advisor Financial Planner Financial Planning Financial Planning Advice And Services Financial Planning For Women Income Tax Planning Independent Investment Advisor Investment Advisory Investment Policy Statements IRA Late-Stage College Planning Mutual Funds NAPFA Member Registered Investment Advisor Retirement Distribution Plan Retirement Income Planning Retirement Planning Retirement Planning & Investing Retirement Planning Advice And Services Retirement Planning. Rollover Of 401k Or IRA Rollovers Roth IRA Tax Preparation Women's Issues
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