Ben VerWys / Financial Advisor in Grand Rapids, Michigan

My duties as an Adviser include overseeing the financial affairs of my clients which include both individuals and families, as well as corporations and non-profit organizations. My practice centrally focuses on 2 important themes:

#1 - Invest with low costs to maximize performance.
#2 - Invest according to your values, supporting companies and ideas that you believe in.

Here are the situations or services where I try to make my client's lives easier:
* Retirement Planning including: 401(k) Rollovers, IRA's, Pension guidance, and Social Security planning.
* Investment Management including: Cash Management, Portfolio Construction, and Diversification utilizing: Mutual Funds, Exchange Traded Funds, Stocks, Bonds, Separate Account Managers, and Alternative Investments.
* During life changing circumstances such as: retirement or planning for retirement, new marriage, divorce, college savings for children, inheritance and/or settlement management, or selling your business.

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401K Consulting 401k Rollover Advisory And Investment Management Alternative Investment Strategies Asset Protection Business Owners Cash Management & Budgeting Charitable Planning Divorce Planning Estate Planning ETFs fee Based Fee Based Investing Fee Only Fee-Only Fiduciary Advisor Financial Advisor Financial Planner Financial Planning Financial Planning For Physicians Financial Planning For Women Independent Investment Advisor Inter-generational Wealth Planning Investment Advisory Investment Management Investment Review And Planning. Investments IRA Medical Professionals Passive Investment Strategies Professional Wealth Management Registered Investment Advisor Rollover Of 401k Or IRA Rollovers Roth IRA Conversion Social Security Planning Socially Responsible Investments Specialize In Retirement Planning And Retirement Distribution Stock Options Wealth Management
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