Benjamin Glover / Financial Advisor in Raleigh, North Carolina

We are the Local Provider for the Dave Ramsey Show for Investments and Insurance.

Our Focus:
I believe success should be measured not just by your financial well-being, but by how confident and secure you feel about your future. My mission is to help you reach your financial goals through a personal relationship based on experienced, knowledgeable advice. This focus is designed to add structure to your situation and educate your family on efficient uses of money.

Many people think that financial planning is a once-and-done event that starts with the numbers and ends with investments and pie charts. But that's not what true financial planning is about.

The process that I follow defines true financial planning as a comprehensive, ongoing approach to managing all areas of your financial life that takes into consideration your income, expenses, investments and debt; your short-term and long-term goals such as paying for college or retiring comfortably; your taxes and financial risks such as disability and death; and, finally, leaving a legacy.

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