Landmark Financial Planning, LLC / Financial Advisor in Saint Louis, Missouri

Landmark is a fee-only financial planning & investment advisory firm. We offer clients a no-sale, no-commission, no pressure advice-based service tailored to meet the needs, goals and dreams clients have established as the priorities for their life. Landmark has no asset or income minimums, and works across the spectrum with clients of varying income levels and financial knowledge. We keep do-it-yourself types on the right path, and offer a more hands-on approach, as needed, for clients wishing to outsource most financial management yet retain final decision-making authority. Because our compensation comes only from our clients, we recommend the best products available at the lowest cost—eliminating the conflict of interests inherent in the practices and proprietary products sold by well over 90% of financial companies, including the largest brokerages and insurers. Landmark is a fiduciary, which means we put forth all relevant information to our clients and act in their best interest—unlike the large firms who use a “suitability” standard that permits their agents to offer financial advice while also selling a product which may diverge from the client’s best interest.


401K Consulting Annuities & Life Insurance Asset Protection Certified Financial Planner CFP ® College Planning Comprehensive Financial Planning Debt Management Disability Income & Long Term Care Insurance Estate Planning Family Financial Planning Fee Only Fiduciary Independent Investment Advisor Investment Consulting Investment Policy Statements Investment Services IRA Middle Income Mutual Funds Passive Investment Strategies Retirement Distribution Plan Retirement Planning Socially Responsible Investments Special Needs Planning Wealth Management Young Investors
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