Timbuktu Capital Management, LLC / Financial Advisor in Boston, Massachusetts

Timbuktu Capital Management, LLC offers financial planning and investment advice. (Financial planning includes tax planning, insurance planning, retirement planning and estate planning. Financial planning services may include consultations and/or written plans, which analyze a client's financial situation and makes appropriate recommendations for strategies and methods of implementation of the strategies.)

Timbuktu Capital Management, LLC provides financial planning and investment management to individuals, families and their related entities, trusts and estates, pension plans, and family businesses. Timbuktu Capital Management, LLC works with clients to define financial objectives and to develop strategies for reaching these objectives, some of which may include: identification of financial problems, cash flow and budget management, tax planning, risk exposure review, investment management, education funding, retirement planning, estate planning, charitable goals, special needs planning, family business succession issues, business management issues, business planning, fringe benefits, and/or other issues specific to the client.

Timbuktu Capital Management, LLC’s compensation is solely from fees paid directly by clients. The firm does not receive commission based on the client’s purchase of any financial products, including insurance. No commissions in any form are accepted. No referral fees are paid or accepted. No benefits are received from custodians/broker-dealers based on the client securities transactions (“no soft dollar benefits”).

Assets under the direct management of Timbuktu Capital Management, LLC are held by independent custodians, including TD Ameritrade, TIAA-CREF, Vanguard, Fidelity, Schwab or others, in the client’s name. Timbuktu Capital Management, LLC does not act as custodian of client’s assets, although we may at times be considered by the regulatory agencies to technically have “custody” over certain types of accounts held at independent custodians.


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