Investors have diverse needs, objectives and risk tolerances. Horan Capital Management offers custom-tailored portfolios, including asset allocation, fixed income and equity only strategies that help to meet our clients goals. Regardless of approach however, the bedrock of all of the strategies we provide is a disciplined, time-tested, intrinsic value-conscious investment selection process.
Fundamental to this approach is that we look at each investment through the eyes of a business owner, evaluating opportunities individually based on long run potential. Our team looks at investment ideas from a bottoms-up perspective, paying particular attention to business quality, price and investment-specific risks. By paying strict attention to quality and price, we believe we can best serve to protect and grow client capital.
Horan Capital Management has received national third party recommendations and endorsements in the following publications:
Financial Advisor's Top RIA Survey Financial Magazine (2007, 2008), Barron's Top 100 Financial Advisors Barrons Magazine (2007), Bloomberg Wealth Manager Magazine, Top Dog List: 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, Top 250 Financial Advisors in America, Worth Magazine (1998, 1999, 2001),The Up and Comers - Top 25 emerging Investment-advisory firms Forbes.com (2008)