Travis Cruger, President of Cruger Financial Services, provides the daily market report for KEDT 90.3 FM, and is heavily involved with local non-profit organizations. He currently serves on the board of directors for the Ronald McDonald House of Corpus Christi, the Corpus Christi Police Foundation, and USO South Texas. Travis Has an MBA from Texas A&M University, where he met his wife, Allison. Together, they have two daughters, Lana & Sadie.
There are more ways to manage money than there are people that manage it. In these times you hear many words thrown around the financial industry and media: stocks, bonds, mutual funds, diversification, re-balancing, bulls, bears, etc. There are countless opinions and websites that seem dedicated to information overload, leaving you wondering whom to trust. At Cruger Financial Services we help you make sense of it all. Our focused investment recommendations are always based on your unique needs and are executed with complete transparency. You’ll never be left wondering what you’re invested in, or why.